How to... / Tutorial
How to fit seat boxes on an Arran 16 fishing boat
02 February 2017
How to... / Tutorial, Refurbished Arran Boats,
I am nearing completion of a refit which included fitting seat boxes. The old wooden seat has a central upright support the base of which sits in a socket on the floor.When fitting seat boxes …

How to fit a new hatch to an Arran 16 boat
18 January 2017
How to... / Tutorial, Workshop,
Before I took over the business the old hatches on the Arran 16 were very tight fitting and had a tendency to bind up in the top corners.I had them made slightly wider and now …

Fitting a steering console to an Arran 16 boat
How to... / Tutorial, Workshop,
Im fitting a new steering console to a secondhand Arran 16 for a customer as part of a larger refit. The console fits on the starboard side and is riveted to the side of the …

Cutting the hole for the Steering Bar on an Arran 16
23 August 2016
How to... / Tutorial, Tips for Novices, Refurbished Arran Boats, Workshop,
The best steering method is to fit the steering cable through the steering tube on your outboard.The large brass nut on the cable simple screws onto the engine tube.Small outboards and some models don’t have …

How to fit new Keel Bands
27 July 2016
How to... / Tutorial,
The older Arran 16 boats pre 2006 all had galvanised keel bands which rust after time especially if used in salt water. When I started making the boats i changed over to 316 grade stainless …
How to fit a spare engine bracket
How to... / Tutorial,
I have been asked many times how on earth do I manage to fit the spare engine bracket to the Arran 16. Its a difficult job best done with some help. Ive fitted two types …