Cutting the hole for the Steering Bar on an Arran 16

The best steering method is to fit the steering cable through the steering tube on your outboard.The large brass nut on the cable simple screws onto the engine tube.Small outboards and some models don’t have a steering tube on them.
The return arm links the steering cable rod to the engine.
As you move the wheel the bar travels both port and starboard normally 4 1/2″ in each direction from its centre point.
As the Arran 16 is narrow in the stern it hits the port side of the splash well so a hole needs to be cut away.
As can be seen from the picture its an odd shaped hole the shape of which varies slightly due to the shape of the bar been used.
I like to give it 5mm clearance all round and finish it with edge trim.
Don’t worry about rain water getting in you won’t take much through such a small hole.