Orkney 440 antifouling

I masked off the boat at the waterline it had when it came in using masking tape.
Those of you who have read the rest of the refit blog will know it had a over sized and over heavy engine on it.This was also counter balanced by bags of sand in the bow.The waterline is therefore higher up the boat than it should be.I will leave it where it is as the anti foul is covering the discolouration caused by the limpets and salt water.Once you have painted the boat remove the tape straight away or it will stick in the drying paint and you will never get it off.
My next job is to flip it back over and start the refit.
Some of the anti foul paint will get scrubbed off by the ropes when i turn it over but i can retouch these patches.
Heres a reminder of what it use to look like.