Fitting 15hp EL 4 stroke Tohatsu to the Orkney 440

The Tohatsu 15hp 4 stroke electric start longshaft outboard engine comes with fuel tank, line and remote control box.There is no oil supplied as this is drained prior to shipping.You also need to buy the control cables x 2 which in this case need to be 12ft in length.
I ran the control cables down behind the gunnels as well as the new 12ft steering cable, transducer cable,auto bilge pump cable control box cable and power cable.
The control cables are fitted at the control box end first and the unit assemblesd and screwed onto the side of the boat.
The connections at the engine end are two control cables and the plug in control box lead.You also have to feed the engine battery leads through a grommet and down into the battery box.
The console was secured back in place once i had connected the steering cable.The cable locking nut can be a bit difficult to start especially if you can’t see what your doing so fit it first.
I started on the electrics fitting a new fuse panel the same size as the old one.
I got power to the panel and had enough time to fit the fish finder and power socket.The power socket even has a phone and iPad charger.How times have changed…!