Honda BF EFI 90hp Outboard Engine Service

This is not the usual size of outboard engine I deal with.
The Arran 16 only takes a 15hp max.
This is a 2008 BF Honda 90 EFI
I am servicing this for a customer and will run through the procedure as I go.
First thing was to obtain some background info from the owner and then order a service kit via the internet.
I am not a Honda dealer but its all available on line.
During the service I will be replacing the engine oil gearbox oil,2 x fuel filters and oil filters.As the kit contains a impeller I will change this to.It might pump water fine but if you go through the trouble of dropping the leg off you might as well replace it once your there. The kit has a thermostat gasket so you can check the thermostat operation and replace it if needed.