“Sir Kermit” the only original green Arran 16

Here are some pictures I received recently which I thought people might be interested in.
Its a 2008 Arran 16 I made for a German customer in original green gel coat.
The below text is from the new owner.
Hello Dave,
Here are some Picture from my “Sir Kermit” for your Homepage.
I´m the 3. Owner from the Arran 16 from 2008 and I will never give it
away, it´s perfekt.
I`m living at the Northsea Cost of North Germany near Husum .
The Picture are made in Denmark at my favorit Slip near Als/Denmark at
the Baltic Sea.
I am on the Baltic Sea in Danemark and North Germany and the River in
North Germany like Schlei,Eider and Treene.
It`s an fantastic Boat for fishing and family, we have many fish and fun
with it.
The boat can be slipped very easily with the many rollers .
Greetings from the North Sea Coast