Falkland Fisher refit

This the Falkland Fisher in the condition I bought it in.
The hull is excellent with not a sign of any damage or age related scratches.Its spent most of its life probably sat on a trailer.
Initial assessment was that the steering wheel, helm and steering cable were goosed.It did move but was rusty and stiff so for the money its worth replacing at this point.
The edge trim around the interior of the top deck had gone hard and rusty so was also removed.
The one thing that stood out to me was the poor plastic cleats that were fitted.
These went in the secondhand parts bin.
I have glassed in a plywood backing board behind the steering console to mount the new helm on.
As regards the trailer I was told it had been serviced just prior to the previous owner buying it for the boat.The brakes seized on five miles away from his house when I drove it away.Quick call to the AA said they were 2hours away from getting to me so I fixed it myself.First job was to look at them and I found they had indeed been serviced but they used the old brake cables which were the problem.Quick fix at £37 the pair and 20mins to change.
I am starting the build tomorrow and will take more pics as I go.
Took the plastic cleats off the stern as well as the one off the bow.I replaced the two stern ones with 2 x 200mm flat top stainless cleats.Down each side I fitted 2 x 500mm stainless steel grab rails secured with 5mm dia bolts with spread washers underneath.I also put an extra 200mm cleat amidships in between the two grab rails.
The edge trim has been replaced as has the wheel steering helm and steering cable.I have put in a 4 gang switch panel to run the electrics to.I found a S/H Garmin 400 fish finder in the workshop and have started to run the cables.
I stuck some thick alloy angle to the side of the boat with Sikaflex 291i.It was propped in place until set and then they were glassed securely in place.These will support the rear hardwood seat under which I will fit the battery box and fuel tank.
It will need a centre upright to stop flex.