Where are we?

You will have noticed that our Workshop address is different to our Office/Home address. Viewings or meetings at the Workshop are strictly by appointment only – its not that we don’t want to see you – quite the opposite – we don’t want to miss your visit, because as we work between both arranging the appointment is essential.
They are actually 6 miles apart but both are easy to find.
Most of our visitors come to the Workshop which is hidden from the road. It is on the A85, right on the eastern outskirts of the village of Comrie, Perthshire.
If you are traveling to our Workshop from the west…you will travel all the way through Comrie as if you would be carrying on to Crieff. As you are about to leave the Village, you will travel over an bridge over the river and a Comrie Holiday Park on your right. You will want to take the next turning on your right after that which is a gravelled road with a sign up above saying “Tomperran”. After turning right onto that road it will split – take the right hand road towards the low Green Buildings. Our unit in behind these (but part of them), best to head to the left of these units to get to us.
If you are trying to find our unit from the East, i.e. having come through Crieff, our gravel road is right behind the Welcome to Comrie sign. There is a sign up above saying “Tomperran”. After turning left onto that road it will split – take the right hand road towards the low Green Buildings. Our unit in behind these (but part of them), best to head to the left of these units to get to us.